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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要:本文简要介绍了机械领域专利的特点,并结合两个实际案例展现了正确理解发明,获得准确的IC分类以及FI/FT分类,对提高检索效率的促进作用。

  • 标签: 机械领域 检索 分类号 IC FI/FT
  • 简介:摘要:本文针对一件检索交流案例,检索思路和检索结果进行整理分析,对比各种检索思路的有效性,指出其中CPC分类的使用误区,并结合不同的检索库调整检索思路,总结得出一种CPC分类的较佳使用方法,并制定检索策略,高效准确地检索到对比文件。

  • 标签: 检索交流 CPC分类号 使用方法
  • 简介:摘要: 高质量的检索是提升专利审查质量和效率的关键。本文提出了三步走运用CPC分类进行高效检索的方法,并以C08L小类(高分子化合物的组合物)为例,具体介绍了如何对比分析认识CPC分类,多管齐下了解CPC分类,检索统计分析CPC分类,并举例说明了如何具体运用CPC分类实现高效检索。

  • 标签: CPC 2000系列 C-sets
  • 简介:摘 要:高效的检索在专利申请的整个过程中都起着至关重要的作用,它是发明专利申请实质审查程序的一个关键步骤。检索在整个审查过程耗时较多,是审查员的必备技能。实质审查,针对不同的案件,检索策略会有差异性,但是也存在一些共通的方式方法。高效、良好、准确的检索方式能够极大的提高审查效率和质量。本文对专利审查检索中常用的关键词、分类的选择、扩展进行梳理分析和总结。

  • 标签: 检索 扩展 分类号获取
  • 简介:摘 要:本文指出在专利检索时,用CPC分类对医疗器械领域的案件进行检索的优势。准确合理地使用CPC分类,可以有效提升检索的针对性,降低噪音,提高效率。

  • 标签: 医疗器械 检索 CPC分类
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  • 简介:摘要:本文对F16K领域CPC分类体系的特点进行了简要的介绍,分析了F16K领域中CPC分类相较于IPC分类的优势,并通过具体案例对常规检索和运用CPC检索进行对比,结果证实对于文献量较大、文献公开日期较早、应用领域较广的F16K领域,使用CPC能够精准锁定对比文件的位置,从而有效提高检索效率,缩短检索周期。

  • 标签: CPC F16K 检索
  • 简介:【内容摘要】统编教材从一年级起就安排了众多的分类练习,随着年级的升高,分类的要求也随之提升;中年级到高年级,除了继续进行分类积累词语、专项的分类练习以外,还引导学生将分类的方法运用于阅读与习作。因此,在语文教学字、词、阅读、写作的分类学习用到思维导会优化学生的学习。

  • 标签: 思维导图 分类学习 优化
  • 简介:AbstractHypertension in pregnancy is currently defined as a systolic blood pressure (BP) of 140 mmHg or more, or a diastolic BP of 90 mmHg or more. This level of BP warrants antihypertensive therapy. Treating to a target BP of 135/85 mmHg halves the risk of severe hypertension that is itself associated with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes, similar in magnitude to preeclampsia. While based on the results of the Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study (CHIPS) trial, this finding is consistent with all antihypertensive trials to date. Also, in the CHIPS trial, "tight" BP control also halved the risk of progression to thrombocytopenia and elevated liver enzymes for the mother, without adverse effects for the fetus or newborn. This was true regardless of the gestational age at which BP control was instituted. While methyldopa, labetalol, and nifedipine are the most commonly-recommended oral antihypertensives, it is not clear that one antihypertensive agent has advantages over the others for treatment of non-severe hypertension in pregnancy. No antihypertensives, including renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitors, have been shown to be teratogenic, although there may be an increase in malformations associated with the underlying condition of chronic hypertension. Atenolol and RAAS inhibitors should not be used once pregnancy is diagnosed, based on fetotoxicity. At present, BP treatment targets used in clinic are the same as those used at home as the differences are quite variable among hypertensive women. For treatment of acute severe hypertension, the most commonly-recommended antihypertensives are oral nifedipine, IV labetalol, and IV hydralazine, although oral agents have also been shown to be effective in the majority of women; while concerns raised about IV hydralazine-induced maternal hypotension and its consequences have not been confirmed, this medication may be an inferior antihypertensive to oral nifedipine. While treatment recommendations are based on evidence, women should be engaged in decision-making, as their values may alter target BP and antihypertensive choice. Future work will clarify the optimal target BP based on home BP measurements; whether BP targets should be lowered further if the definition of hypertension is based on a lower BP; which, if any, antihypertensive medication for non-severe hypertension is better with regards to maternal and perinatal outcomes; and whether factors beyond BP level (such as variability, race, and other physiological variables) should inform antihypertensive therapy in pregnancy.

  • 标签: Hypertension Antihypertensive therapy Maternal outcomes Perinatal outcomes Pregnancy Severe hypertension
  • 简介:摘要:文件分类和文件编号编制是进行文件管理的前提,也是实现项目文件完整性、系统性和准确性的根本保证。根据近期黄河下游防洪工程的特点和科技档案的归档要求,确定了基于档案来源、区域和项目相结合的档案分类和档案编号编制方案。该方案既满足了黄河防洪工程档案的完整性和系统性要求,又使工程与参建单位之间的层级关系清晰明确,便于今后黄河治理工作的检索利用。

  • 标签: 防洪工程 档案分类 档案管理 黄河下游
  • 简介:摘要:房屋建筑对于人们来说至关重要,但房屋建筑在经过长时间使用后,其质量必然会下降,尤其是混凝土结构会逐渐发生改变,如果不及时修缮,不仅会缩短房屋建筑的使用寿命,还会导致其功能无法实现。因此,本文以上海市第一妇婴保健西整体大修项目2楼修缮工程为例,对结构加固技术在建筑工程的应用进行分析,希望为相关行业提供借鉴。

  • 标签: 房屋建筑 结构加固技术 修缮工程
  • 简介:摘要:目的:甲状腺结节分类诊断过程采用TI-RADS分类法,观察该种分类方法的应用效果。方法:将我科2018年1月--2020年10月的甲状腺结节297例患者353个结节作为观察对象,并且根据分类方法不同,将患者分成一组和二组,一组使用TI-RADS分类法,二组使用ATA标准分类。结果:(1)本次总共选择353个甲状腺结节作为研究对象,其中良性结节210个,占比59.49%;恶性结节143个,占比40.50%。(2)一组和二组甲状腺结节分类后从NPV、PPV、敏感性、特异性、准确性对照,一组分别是94.33%、76.20%、88.66%、84.13%、89.23%,二组分别是85.26%、69.68%、77.33%、71.10%、81.01%。(x2=10.021,p=0.000),结果有差异。结论:甲状腺结节诊断过程采用TI-RADS分类法价值较高,该种方法值得在临床上推广。

  • 标签: 甲状腺结节 分类 ATA TI-RADS
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  • 简介:AbstractTonsillectomy is a very common procedure in children, often performed on an outpatient basis. Severe postoperative pain is common, and can be prolonged. Despite a large number of available analgesic medications, often employed in combination, achieving adequate pain control remains a persistent challenge. Research suggests a tendency among caregivers to undertreat pain, and a need for detailed care instructions and education to ensure adequate pain management. Furthermore, ongoing questions regarding the safety and efficacy of the most commonly used medications have led to wide variance in practice patterns and continuous reassessment through research that yields sometimes conflicting results. This review summarizes the current state of the literature and presents a management approach which attempts to maximize pain control while minimizing potential harm with combinations of medications and modification based on patient-specific factors.

  • 标签: Pediatric tonsillectomy Tonsillectomy pain Postoperative analgesia
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  • 简介:AbstractWith the widespread adoption of advanced tourniquets, the mortality rate of limb wound hemorrhage has decreased significantly, and non-compressible torso hemorrhage has gradually occupied the leading position of potentially preventable death, both in military and civilian circumstances. With the emergence of novel hemostatic devices and materials, strategies for the management of non-compressible torso hemorrhage have changed significantly. This review summarizes the current treatment strategies and types of equipment for non-compressible torso hemorrhage and suggests future research directions, hoping to provide a comprehensive review for the medical personnel and researchers engaging in this field.

  • 标签: Torso hemorrhage Hemostasis Resuscitation Trauma Wartime injury Shock
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