The relationship between research and design

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A study was undertaken to explore the incorporation of research into the landscape architectural design process. A review
of the literature revealed five discrete models by which research is integrated into design: concept–test; analysis–synthesis;
experiencial; complex intellectual activity; and associationist. In-depth interviews with eight landscape architecture educators
and a mail-in survey of all landscape architecture educators in North America failed to confirm the utility of these five models.
Instead, a different kind of model emerged from the results. In this model, research is incorporated at three stages of the
design process: before design; during design; and after design. Before design, there appear to be two categories of research:
indirect (which includes intrinsic research, library research, and review of precedents and case studies); and direct (which
includes site inventory and analysis). During design, research seems to have two key roles: influencing the concept generation
process and the application of the concept on the site. Five models emerged for using research during design: artistic, intuitive,
adaptive, analytical, and systematic. Finally, after design research has two roles: evaluation of design, and justification of
design. This categorization, as elucidated by educators, provides insight into the landscape architecture design process and
its communication and teaching.
关键字:Questionnaire; Interviews; Landscape architecture; Design process; Research