Be Self-disciplined

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Be Self-disciplined


湖北省沙洋职教中心高二( 4)班 学生:袁欣然 辅导老师: 448200

We wake up in the morning, scanning the instant news and sharing our opinions with other people on internet; We witness the extraordinary on screen but the ordinary everywhere else. We’ve become disconnected , idolizing people we’ve never met. We always wait for someone to bring change without thinking of changing ourselves. Each day, we follow the same path and live the same day as yesterday.

However, life can differ from this totally. We can choose to carve our own path. At this moment, we could be anywhere, doing anything instead of sitting alone in front of a screen. What we should do is discipline our behaviors. It doesn’t means punishment or suffering. It is the road to sustained happiness. Being self-disciplined is the beginning of one’s change. To stand out from the crowd, we need to swim against the tide. Remove the self-limited mindset that I am not clever enough to achieve the incredible grades. Be proactive, be honest to ourselves and be industrious.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life. The hard choices that we most fear doing are very often exactly what we most need to do. And the biggest challenges and problems we face will never be solved with comfortable conversations. We know the best way out is always through.

Discipline our behaviors and we’ll achieve our goal.



