parentage ,the parent-child relationship

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parentage ,the parent-child relationship


晨光实验学校  山东滨州惠民县   251700

As the three-child policy came out, there is a heated debate on  whether people should get a third child now. Some people would say they don’t dare  to follow it because they are not that rich . But actually it’s not a matter of money. The point is: what else can you offer your children besides money?

We are all teachers and we teach hundreds of students at school .But at the same time, I guess some of you have already become a parent and have your own children. Then do you think it is easier to deal with one child at home than maybe fifty at school? As we all know, many teachers are really talented in education. Let’s say, they have enough wisdom when they are in class. But you can never say it’s easier for one to bring a baby up. As a mother of two lovely girls, I feel confused or even helpless from time to time. Now I consider a lot about how to be a good mother. It’s not just about how to make delicious food and feed them. It’s also about how you play with them. You need to accompany them. Last winter, I sent my elder daughterto the dancing and reading classes. I told myself she will understand me one day and she has to be the early bird. But finally I realized she just need my company and that’s totally important for her. So this summer, I declined her reading class so that she can visit her grandma with me on weekends. And I,decide to teach her by myself.

Being parents is not just to provide a rich and comfortable environment. It means much more than that. If you want your children to be smart and understanding, you should irrigate them with time and love. If you want them to be brave and confident, they need your patience and encouragement. We should encourage the children more. We are the closest people to them, so they definitely need positive information from us. I still remember when I was a little girl, my mom seldom spoke highly of me in public. Instead, she may praise anyone else except me

. I love my mom, so I was wondering maybe she was just trying to be humble. But that really hurt me in my childhood and made me kind of self-conscious till now. Since I have my own children now, and I wish they can be happy and confident .I am changing from my mother’s style and see what willhappen.

All in all, it’s theirfirst time to be daughters, and as a freshener, I am not a proficient mother yet. We will work together to cherish and build an ideal relationship. Less pressure, more encouragement and company .I hope I can be talented one day!