简介:摘要: 晓南矿N1-15层施工完毕后巷道变形量较大,为满足生产需要进行了维修,维修后通过对巷道表面位移观测得出巷道变形规律,提出控制巷道变形的措施,为以后维修工作提供了参考资料。
简介:AbstractSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to evolve, generating new variants that pose a threat to global health; therefore, it is imperative to obtain safe and broad-spectrum antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. To this end, we screened compounds for their ability to inhibit viral entry, which is a critical step in virus infection. Twenty compounds that have been previously reported to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication were tested by using pseudoviruses containing the spike protein from the original strain (SARS-CoV-2-WH01). The cytotoxicity of these compounds was determined. Furthermore, we identified six compounds with strong antagonistic activity against the WH01 pseudovirus, and low cytotoxicity was identified. These compounds were then evaluated for their efficacy against pseudoviruses expressing the spike protein from B.1.617.2 (Delta) and B.1.1.529 (Omicron), the two most prevalent circulating strains. These assays demonstrated that two phenothiazine compounds, trifluoperazine 2HCl and thioridazine HCl, inhibit the infection of Delta and Omicron pseudoviruses. Finally, we discovered that these two compounds were highly effective against authentic SARS-CoV-2 viruses, including the WH01, Delta, and Omicron strains. Our study identified potential broad-spectrum SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors and provided insights into the development of novel therapeutics.
简介:AbstractOmicron (B.1.1.529), the fifth variant of concern (VOC) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was firstly identified in November 2021 in South Africa. Omicron contains far more genome mutations than any other VOCs ever found, raising significant concerns about its increased transmissibility and immune evasion. Here, we report the importation of the Omicron variant into Beijing, China, in December 2021. Full-length genome sequences of five imported strains were obtained, with their genetic features characterized. Each strain contained 57 to 61 nucleotide substitutions, 39 deletions, and 9 insertions in the genome. Thirty to thirty-two amino acid changes were found in the spike proteins of the five strains. The phylogenetic tree constructed by the maximum likelihood method showed that all five imported genomes belonged to Omicron (BA.1) (alias of B.1.1.529.1), which is leading to the current surge of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases worldwide. The globally increased COVID-19 cases driven by the Omicron variant pose a significant challenge to disease prevention and control in China. Continuous viral genetic surveillance and increased testing among international travellers are required to contain this highly contagious variant.
简介:AbstractAt present, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spread worldwide, which has emerged multiple variants and brought a threat to global public health. To analyze the genomic characteristics and variations of SARS-CoV-2 imported into Beijing, we collected the respiratory tract specimens of 112 cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from January to September 2021 in Beijing, China, including 40 local cases and 72 imported cases. The whole-genome sequences of the viruses were sequenced by the next-generation sequencing method. Variant markers and phylogenic features of SARS-CoV-2 were analyzed. Our results showed that in all 112 sequences, the mutations were concentrated in spike protein. D614G was found in all sequences, and mutations including L452R, T478K, P681R/H, and D950N in some cases. Furthermore, 112 sequences belonged to 23 lineages by phylogenetic analysis. B.1.1.7 (Alpha) and B.1.617.2 (Delta) lineages were dominant. Our study drew a variation image of SARS-CoV-2 and could help evaluate the potential risk of COVID-19 for pandemic preparedness and response.
简介:摘要本文报道2例胎儿Pierre Robin序列征(PRS),由胎儿MRI诊断并在引产或生后得以证实。PRS在胎儿MRI上表现为小下颌、舌根后坠、气道变窄及腭裂。MRI诊断PRS有较高的敏感性,可诊断胎儿PRS伴随的结构畸形,给予围生期咨询提供一定指导建议。
简介:摘要椎动脉外伤后出血量大且凶猛,容易被误诊为颈动脉损伤,临床中颈部外伤单纯伤及椎动脉少见,我们诊治2例椎动脉破裂出血患者。患者1,女性,41岁,颈部外伤4 h,探查后行左侧椎动脉吻合+左侧椎前静脉修补+左侧颈内、颈外静脉结扎术,术后10 d患者出现头晕,颅脑MR检查考虑左侧小脑半球脑梗死,椎动脉闭塞、狭窄,应用抗凝药物治疗4个月后头晕症状消失。患者2,女性,28岁,右侧颈部肿胀10 h,数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查示椎动脉起始段假性动脉瘤,介入手术止血困难,暂行颈部填塞后予抗感染治疗,术后4 d行颈部探查+气管切开术,术后18 d再行介入手术,患者出院前气管套管拔除,右上肢肌力0级。
简介:摘要患儿 男,11月龄,以频繁成簇抽搐发作起病,予地西泮、苯巴比妥及丙戊酸钠联合治疗无效,每天抽搐发作数十次,起病第4天因癫痫持续状态入住重症监护病房治疗,并出现嗜睡、意识模糊、不能认人、不自主动作、偶兴奋尖叫、夜间睡眠时间减少,脑电图背景活动慢化,监测到频繁后头部起源的临床发作及电发作,脑脊液抗AMPA2受体IgG抗体阳性,诊断抗AMPA2受体脑炎。予人免疫球蛋白及激素冲击免疫治疗,加用拉考沙胺并减停丙戊酸后抽搐缓解,意识转清。临床上以频繁局灶抽搐发作伴有意识水平下降为主要表现的婴儿,应注意鉴别抗AMPA2受体脑炎,尽早启用免疫治疗改善预后至关重要。